A Comparative Study of Love Themes in the Works of Fereydoun Moshiri and Nizar Qabani

Document Type : Research Paper



Fereydon Moshiri and Nizar Qabani are great names incontemporary Persian and Arabic lyric poetry. “Love”, being the oldest, yetmost complicated theme of lyric literature, has a genuine outlook in their poetry. Nizar Qabani- the poet of “women and wine”- blends the traditional and modern view toward women and “love” and portrays a new picture of “the beloved”, a picture that ultimately intends to purify the masculine view of Arab society toward women. His language is so delicate and simple that the society communicates with it so well in many different ways.Although “women and mistresses” are not as significant and outstanding as in Nizar Qabani, the blend of traditional and modern view is well evident in Moshiri’s poetry. On the one hand,Moshiri abides by the current traditional lyric poetry; accordingly, “the beloved” in his poetry is still a cliché and naming “her” is considered as a taboo; on the other hand,women's personality to him is promotedbeyond the boundaries of the “body”. The simple and impossible language of Moshiri is another similarity ofhis poetry and that of Nizar Qabani.
This study attempts to study the theme oflove in the works of these two contemporary lyric poets and to compare the characteristics of love and beloved in their works.
