Utopia in the Viewpoint of Forough Farokhzad and Nazok-ol Mala’ekeh

Document Type : Research Paper



Utopia is a reflection of the writer’s desire for evolution and survival. It seems that poets’ utopias have common features regardless of their nationality, because of the fact that literature and consequently poetry is rooted in human spirit and that the features of utopia are based on the principles of human life. Today, comparative literature provides the ground for research in this field.
Based on the American doctrine of comparative literature, with its trans-boundary view on the similarities of literary works emerging from common human spirit, this article examines the views of two contemporary Iranian and Iraqi poets- Forough Farrokhzad and Nazok-ol Mala’ekeh- regarding  utopia. Firstly,  Forough and Nazok's main concerns which have resulted in the creation of utopia are examined and then the features of their utopias are mentioned. The research's most important achievements are the following:
1. Cultural, religious and geographical closeness play an important role in the similarity of the two poets’ views.
2. Both poets were able to express their nation's suffering by illustrating their own utopia.
3. Their utopian poems are mostly created in their maturity.
4. Despite the common component factors and specialties of Forough and Nazok’s utopias, some differences have been recognized.
5. Forough and Nazok's utopias are reflections of their social and emotional concerns.
