A Comparative Study of Persian-English Grammatical Terminology from the Standardization Viewpoint

Document Type : Research Paper



Following acomparative,quantitative study of English to English and English to Persian dictionariesof linguistics, it was found that the number of terms in Persian is too limited compared to the English ones; Persian language also lacks clear definitions and descriptions for many terms. Therefore, developing a comprehensive linguistics dictionary based on principles of dictionary compilation and terminology is an urgent need.
Using word formation rules and principlesapproved by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, this study suggests some equivalents for words which have not been translated yet. The study also indicates that diversity in number and meaning, andusing one term to refer to many concepts are among serious problems in this regard which, in turn, lead to limitation in knowledge, meaning contradictions and disorder in process of symbolization and in recovering data. It is concluded that standardization is one of the main instruments in promoting a language and bringing order backto the terminology, definitions, and system of concepts.
