A Comparative Study of the Conflict of "Gender" and "Subordination" in two Novels “Vacant of Slouch” by Mahmoud Dolatabadi and "Madagh Alley" by Najib Mahfouz (With Emphasis on Gayatri Spivak's Postcolonial Views)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature at Lorestan University

2 Associate Professor of Department of Persian Language

3 Associate Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature



Postcolonial literature is one of the living and dynamic approaches in the field of comparative literature and cultural studies, which shows the results of the presence of colonialists in literary texts. This approach identifies, evaluates and analyzes the post-colonial components in literary texts. "Gender" and "Subordination" are keywords of post-colonial literature. Spivak, one of the post-colonial thinkers, believes that the voice of the subordinates of the society is never heard. Mahmoud Dolat-Abadi and Najib Mahfouz are prominent Iranian and Egyptian writers who have reflected the voices of the "inferior" sections of their societies in two novels, "Empty place of Soluch" and "Madaq’s allay". The premise is that Daulat-Abadi has consciously and deliberately introduced the inferior characters of the novel Soluch's vacancy as having agency and a voice. By creating the character of "Mergan", Dolatabadi has deconstructed the common passive and defeated mentality about Iranian and Eastern women. Najib Mahfouz has also given voice and agency to some of the downtrodden in his novel ally of Medoq. In these novels, these two authors have depicted the objectivist, sexual and instrumental view of women in the patriarchal and colonized system. The present research has done a comparative study of the conflict of "gender" and "subordination" in the two mentioned novels with the method of qualitative description and analysis and with emphasis on Spivak's opinions


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