A Comparative Study of Tense between " Dayi Jan Napoleon" and "Don Quixote" Novels

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduated from master’s degree in Persian Language and Literature of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associated Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department of Persian Language and Literature of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


Comparative studies, in addition to showing the overlap between culture and literature, can lead to the identification of national literature as much as possible and reveal the position of each work in comparison with its international examples; therefore, such studies can play a significant role in the globalization of literature and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of local works.
   One of the approaches that can be used for the comparative study of two works is the narratological approach. In this approach, the narrative elements of two works are measured together and the similarities and differences are determined. Various theories have been proposed in the field of narratology. One of the most important theories in this regard belongs to the French theorist Gerard Genet (1930). He considers the "story" or the main plot of the story to be one of the aspects of the narrative and considers it to be the real sequence of events.   One of the approaches that can be used for the comparative study of two works is the _______________________
narratological approach. In this approach, the narrative elements of two works are measured together and the similarities and differences are determined. Various theories have been proposed in the field of narratology. One of the most important theories in this regard belongs to the French theorist Gerard Genet (1930). He considers the "story" or the main plot of the story to be one of the aspects of the narrative and considers it to be the real sequence of events.. In this research, a comparative comparison of one of the narrative elements (grammatical Tense) in two novels, “Don Quixote” and “Dayi Jan Napoleon”, has been done. Tense is one of the elements that gives identity to narrative and story and is defined by three components of order, continuity and frequency.
   Four hundred years ago, in 1604 AD, Miguel de Cervantes published the first part of his immortal book "Don Quixote"; A work that later earned the title of the world's first fiction novel. This work is one of the oldest novels in modern European languages. Many consider it the best book written in Spanish and one of the most prominent examples of the picaresque novel. Don Quixote shows the audience the life of a person who suffers from delusions and spends his time reading forbidden story so that, according to the author of this story, he loses his sanity in an incurable way. The main character of the story sees himself in the place of one of these knights and sees imaginary enemies in front of him, which are often mountains and trees. "Don Quixote" is an imaginary and clumsy warrior who thinks he is invincible. He, accompanied by his servant, Sancho Panza, goes on long journeys and it is in the middle of these journeys that strange actions happen to him. He has no other goal but to save people from the oppression and tyranny of cruel rulers, he has an imaginative view of his surroundings and sees everything as a tool of war. Bitter humor reigns throughout this story, so that despite the strange actions of the main character, the reader feels empathy and sympathy for him. The society in which the author lives has had a great influence on the creation of such images.
  In 1972, Iranian writer Iraj Pezeshkzad published the book " Dayi Jan Napoleon ", which was widely accepted by book readers, and with the creation of a television series from this book, day by day.
  The number of people interested in this book has increased. Dayi Jan Napoleon is an eventful novel based on tale. The author pays attention to the main and essential aspect of the novel, which is narrative. It can be said that humor is the main axis in the story, as this case has left the author's hand free to express any issues far from being frank. Humor in the words and live and critical narratives of the life of the market alley people is one of the characteristics of this work, so the author has created unique and lasting characters by using nostalgic and local images, folk idioms and proverbs.
  The story consists of domestic episodes around a family. The driving factor of the plot is the conflict of two characters, "Dayi Jan" and "Aghajan", who act as types emerging from two social forces. Aghajan represents the urban middle class, which is taking the place of landed aristocracy in the social hierarchy. His opponent, Dayi Jan, flees into fantasy in front of the undeniable reality; Because he doesn't know what to do with the upcoming "fall", as he says.
The method of collecting information and data is based on library and analytical studies. Extracting data from the novels selected in this research has been done using the qualitative analysis method and relying on the data of Gerard Genet's narrative theory.
Tense is one of the elements that gives identity to narrative and story and is defined by three components: order, continuity and frequency. In general, in both novels, the sequence of events follows the chronological order. The number of irregularities and time lapses, which include future and retrospections, is not faint in both novels, and they usually come in the form of decisions and predictions of future events, expressions of memories, and reminiscences of the past. This has added to the attractiveness of the novel and the pursuit of the reader. In Don Quixote's novel, often, the narrator talks about the emotional decisions of the main character by passing from the present to the future and engages the reader's mind in how the events happened, while in Dayi Jan Napoleon's novel, the expression of memories and hindsight is a source of pride for some.
   The factors that increase the positive speed and acceleration in the narrative are delay and compression, which summarizes the narrative by creating a time break in the story and removing some unnecessary repetitive events. By providing detailed descriptions of characters, time and place, the author slows down the narrative speed so that the reader is more involved in the novel. The two themes of war and travel play a key role in both stories, although in both stories more of its imaginary and illusory aspects are considered. Long descriptions and events that happen during these wars and journeys in "Don Quixote" novel advance the story, but in " Dayi Jan Napoleon " novel, they help to create a humorous atmosphere and expand time. Dayi Jan Napoleon 's novel is more dialogue-oriented, so it mainly has a constant momentum and temporal similarity, but the temporal continuity in Cervantes' novel has a negative momentum due to the abundant use of ropes. The dominant frequency in the two novels is the singular frequency, which is not far from expected considering the narrative style of both works and their realism. Although other types of frequency such as frequent frequency are used in both works; however, singular frequency is the most used.
The narrative of the end of the era of aristocracy and lords and serfs in two different geographical points and the similarity of the behavior of activists such as Don Quixote and  Dayi Jan on the one hand and Sancho and Mashqasem on the other hand, creates the mentality that Iraj Pezeshkzad, in The writing of Dayi Jan Napoleon has looked at Don Quixote's novel, or it has sought to present an Iranian version of this novel; however, in Iranian history and culture, there have been no shortage of such delusional people. Of course, at the end of Don Quixote's story, we witness the transformation of the character and the acceptance of reality, but in the Dayi Jan Napoleon's novel, the character of Dayi Jan does not change and remains in his delusional world.


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