A Comparative Study of Character in Selected Stories of Goli Taraghi and Alice Munro Based on Enneagram Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Persian Language and Literature of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associated Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department of Persian Language and Literature of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant professor of Persian Language and Literature Department of Persian Language and Literature of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Comparative literature plays an important role in knowing the position of Iranian authors in the world. Knowing the relationships and differences between two cultures will change the boundaries and overlaps and provides a new aspect. Moreover researching fictional literature from the psychological point of view makes it possible to know its hidden angels. Enneagram is a new typology derived from the study of the human psyche. This psychological theory categorizes the behavioral traits of human beings into 9 personality types: Reformer, Helper, Achiever, Individualist, Investigator, Loyalist, Enthusiast, Challenger, and Peacemaker. This study aimed to investigate the compatibility of the main characters of the selected works of Goli Taraghi and Alice Munro with the nine types of Enneagram and psychological analysis of the characters to better identify and compare and compare the analysis results to achieve similarities and differences between the two authors. The present article is a descriptive-analytical study. The results indicate that the fictional characters of both authors are highly compatible with the theory of Enneagram, and both authors use types 2 (Helper) and 8 (Challenger) with the highest frequency, and the difference is that the characterization in Alice Munro's work is more diverse than Taraghi's work.


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