From”The Odyssey”,Homer to “saray”Azerbaijani folk legend(a comparative study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated Professor of French Language and literature, Department of French language and literature, Faculty of foreign languages, University of Esfahan, Iran:

2 Master of French Language and literature, Department of French language and literature, Faculty of foreign languages, University of Esfahan, Iran


Loyalty, especially believed by women, is reflected in many literary stories. In this paper, we are examine the concept of loyalty through two mythical character, Penelope, Hector's spouse in Odyssey by Homer, and Sarah, personage of a myth folklore from Azerbaijan, who possess legendary properties. first, in this paper, we examine female characters in each myth and then mythical notions of the two characters, finally, the concepts which build of them archetype of loyalty. During this study_ as we see the similar beliefs and ideals_ the question is what factors led to the common mind, how two women made their special myth. Therefore, based on mythical criticism of Young that represent the Collective memory, we porpose to exploring the similar mythical symbols correlating these characters.In this paper, considering the importance of the beliefs and values of these myths is the notion of loyalty through two fictional character, "Penelope" and "Sara", the mythical properties are discussed


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