The Themes of Resistance and Democracy in the Poems of Nasim Shomal and Bayram al-Tunisi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University

2 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University


In contemporary literature, considering the national and patriotic themes, there are some poets who write their poems in the language of the common people not in a scientific and complex language or to show power. Seyyed Ashraf al-Din hosaini and bayram al-tunisi are outstading figures of folklore poetry in Iran and Egypt. Nasim Shomal’s colloquial poems and al-Tunisi’s colloquial mavals and zajals were successful in fulfilling the poets’ task in awakening and awaring people by the use of satire and parody. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this study aims at introducing the two poets, the conditions of their time, and their poetic language. It also compares common concepts in their poems, like criticizing the foreigners and the parliament,freedom of speech, expressing women’s problems, education and economic issues and problems, and even inviting people to resistance. It seems that the similarity in the poets’ view and thought two suggests their experience of similar conditions.


Main Subjects

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