comparative study of tow mock heroic, mosh and gorbe , the rape of the lock

Document Type : Research Paper


1 - PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan

3 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


Mock epic is an important kind of parody, which is worth studying for its parodic nature and for the significance of epic genre. Mock epic by reversing the forms and content of elegant epic and consequently creates an eloquent text. The present Study aims at analyzing the formation of the two mock by the use of their form and content analysis. To shed light on the similarities and differences between mock epics in European and Persian Literature, two narrative poems were chosen to start a comparative analysis of their form and content. The comparative approach used in this study would help examine the differences and similarities between the way the two famous litterateurs have worked on the same genre, and it would help clarify reason behind the difference in their viewpoints in creating these narrative poems. This study will focus on Mouse and Cat byObeyd Zakani and The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope. The comparative method used in this study offers what the different and similar points in mock epics of Persian and English literature are. Finally, by analyzing the form and content of the two works, it will become clear that the English narrative poem could better and more powerfully create the elements of elegant epic and it has a more cohesive structure.


Main Subjects

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