A Comparative Study of Abu Yaqube Sejestani and Roman Jakobson’s Communication model and Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Islamic Azad university Ardabil brabnch

2 Faculty member of Islamic Azad university Ardabil branch


Every human being needs to send, receive and comprehend messages in a linguistic communication. In other words, Human beings code their massages and decode others’ messages. This communication can occur in a context of six elements, namely, addresser, content, contact, code, message and addressee. Abu Ya'qub Sejestani was an iranian dialectical theologian in the fourth century. Due to his research subject, namely, Ismaili dialectical theology, he studied precisely the mind and language system and the conditions of success or failure in a linguistic communication as an introduction to dialectical discussions. But, unfortunately, his linguistic theories were neglected due to researchers’ dialectical approach to his book Kashf-ul-Mahjoob. This study is going to plan an efficient communication model based on mind and language system and its structure and elements in Sejestani’s viewpoint and compare them with Roman Jakobson’s theory and model of communication to show their common and different aspects and prove that although the discussions about the theory and model of communication became known by  western linguists and, most importantly, by Roman Jacobson, it can be traced in all details and with equivalent terms in Abu Ya'qub Sejestani’s communication theory, which has some advantages over Jakobson’s theory and model.


Main Subjects

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