Comparative Comparison of epic imaging in Motenabbi and Onsori Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in Persian language and literature, Hormozgan University lecturer


This study is trying to Review the epic imaging of Motenabbi and Onsori Poetry spicily in odes that discussed description of wars and campaigns of Sayf al-Dawla and Mahmoud Ghaznavi. This study by analyzed common Employed themes in the epic images of this two poets and the effect of climate ascend to the creation of these images, is trying to answer this questions:what techniques used each of these two poets to create epic images? And what impact left the application of these techniques on the superficial or deep impact? The method that presented in this study is analysis. At the end the research concluded this result that many common in themes and imagery techniques can be seen in epic poets.
Onsori under the influence of Mutanabi,created the epic odes in many issues that Mutanabi have imaged in them. The Onsori method in creation of epic odes means the use of techniques such using of Suitable meter of ode, Words and epic blend, Simile and metaphor in epic themes and the odes without Tshbyb that help to make more epical the peace of odes.And all of this Factors Caused we can claim although novelty, movement,dynamism and the violence in Motenabbi images is more than onsori images but Onsori images, in terms of use of Collection of Epic elements is in higher status. Also showing the superficiality of epic images of tow poets and being Away from density of Pictures that lead them to complexity in poetry,is the outcome of this research.


Main Subjects

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