A Comparative Study of Simin Daneshvar’s and Ghada al-Samman’s Feminine Views

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language Literature, University of Zabol.

2 MA Graduate Student of Persian Language and Literature


The present study focuses on a better understanding of the feminine view and approach of Simin Daneshvar, the famous contemporary Iranian novelist, and ghada-al-Samman, the famous contemporary writer in the Arab world, whose writings were feminine. No doubt, Daneshvar had a notable contribution in the reinforcement and expansion of feminine literature in Iran by her pleasing and widely-read novel "Savushun". Also, al-Samman is the instinct of Arab woman that shouts from behind the thick and old walls of centuries, in her literary masterpieces.This study aims at finding the similarities in Daneshvar’s and al-Samman’s feminist views, based on a descriptive-analytical method. Here, Daneshvar’s novel "Savushun" and al-Samman’s poems have been investigated from this perspective. Meanwhile, the similarities of the feminine views of the two Iranian and Syrian literary women on issues like woman, war, love, etc., have been discussed by offering examples as evidence. It was revealed that how Daneshvar and al-Samman had similar views of the mentioned issues, despite their differences in ideology and geography.


Main Subjects

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