A Comparative Look at the Position of Horse in the Epic of Shahnameh and Antara’s Book of Epic Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Ilam

2 MA Student of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan

3 MA Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Ilam


Undoubtedly, epics reflect the flow of events, elements, and natural and supernatural creatures in human’s life. The interference and accompaniment of the live elements of nature alongside the epic tools have reflected very beautiful images of the greatness of epics. An example of these elements is the significant presence of "horse" and its descriptions and images in epic-war battle scenes. The epic of Shahnameh has created beautiful images of this creature based on the principle of the heroic families’ presence and the great value of horse beside other war elements. Also, this element with its partial use is one of the frequent symbols of animal symbolism and marital value in the Arabic epic literature of the Age of Ignorance, namely Antara’s book of poetry. The present study investigates and compares the position of horse and its images in Antara Ibn Shaddad’s book of poetry and Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. The findings show that the epic descriptions of horse and its field characterizations in the company of hero, in making balance of power, was one of the main common themes of the two works. But Antara’s perspective on horse descriptions and similes was limited in comparison with Ferdowsi, and his references to racial authenticity in these kinds of descriptions were few.                                                                                         


Main Subjects

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 مقاله ­ها
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 پایان­ نامه
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