A Comparative Study of Reflections of Resistance in the Poetry of Malek-o-Shoara Bahar and Amal Donqol

Document Type : Research Paper



Resistance literature is usually created in the conditions of oppression, inner despotism, lack of social and individual freedom, defiance of law, and foreign aggression. Since the old times to the period of Constitutionalism in Iran, and the contemporary Arab Movement, Iran and Egypt have produced valuable works in resistance literature due to their outstanding resistance to indoor injustice, foreign aggression and cultural attacks. In Iran, resistance literature has a flourishing in Constitutionalism era, and poets like Mirzadeh Eshghi, Seyed Ashrafodin Gilani, Aref Ghazvini, Farokhi Yazdi, and Bahar are the most active in this field; as for the contemporary Egyptian-Arabic Movement, poets like Hafez Ebrahim, Marouf Al-Rassafi, Mohammad Mahdi Al-Javaheri, Mahmoud Darvish, Ebrahim Toqan, and Amal Donqol are among the celebrated ones. Malek-o-Shoara Bahar and Amal Donqol are political and liberal elite poets of Iran and Egypt who fought culturally against autarchy and colonizers. Based on the American school of comparative criticism, this study tries to illustrate resistance literature during Constitutionalism era in Iran, and the era of the Arab Movement. 


Main Subjects

- کتاب­ها
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