Modern Poetic World from Charles Baudelaire and Nima Yushij Viewpoints

Document Type : Research Paper


Charles Baudelaire and Nima Yushij were two of the most renowned modern poets who played a significant role in the development of modern poetry of their era.  The main assumption of the present study is that there is a rule-governed relationship between the thoughts and the works of these two modern poets. The main point is to investigate the common ground of thought in Charles Baudelaire and Nima Yushij who have played a significant role in deepening our understanding of modernity and modern age with their innovations. In spite of some differences between these two poets and their contemporaries, with the advent of modernity as a novel phenomenon in a certain stage of human thought development, and in an era when human was in need of understating social development, they were able to be synchronous with the development of the modern literature and depict their social modernity in their poetry by putting aside some of the rules of traditional poetry and observing the true nature of the world around them. In this study, the researchers aimed at investigating the important role of modernity in the development of traditional poetry.


Main Subjects

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- منابع فرانسه
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