A Comparative Analysis of Saint John Perse and Sohrab Sepehri with a Glance at Far-Eastern Theosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of French Literature

2 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University of Eslamshahr


Shared poetry structure, theosophy, naturalism and themes in the works of Sohrab Sepehri and Saint John Perse, the French poet of early 20th century, is so frequent that renders the comparative analysis of the two poets’ works possible. Distancing themselves from urban environment, both sought refuge to the eastern theosophy and nature to pacify their soles. In poems of Sepehri, this theosophy approaches the Islamic and Iranian theosophy, and in the works of Saint John Perse, it follows the Philosophy of Spinoza.
In this study, it is tried to compare the works of the two poets from the view of French and American schools of comparative literature. This kind of comparative analysis can explain the reasons why the two poets distanced themselves from society and socio-political events.


Main Subjects

 منابع فارسی
- کتاب‏ها
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- مقاله‏ ها
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- منابع فرانسوی
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