A Comparative Feminist Study of “Al-Rasoula Be-Shareha Al-Tavil Hata-l Yanabie” (The Messenger with Her Hair Long Until the Sources) by Ounsi el-Hajj and “Aida in the Mirror” by Ahmad Shamlu

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Studying the work of male writers and comparing their discourse and mentality with that of women in their work is one of the most important trends in feminist studies. In the poetry of Ounsi el-Hajj and Ahmad Shamlu, one faces a particular image of women; an image which is sometimes compatible with modern world standards and shows women in the equal status with men. Sometimes, influenced by the historical mentality of two authors, women fall from their modern position to a traditional status. 
Based on feminist criticism and the French school of comparative literature, this study compares “Al-Rasoula Be-Shareha Al-Tavil Hata-l Yanabie” by Ounsi el-Hajj and “Aida in the Mirror” by Shamlu. The most important conclusion achieved are: 
- The two works have a similar entirety, and their poetic expression is masculine which, at times, contradicts the norms of feminism. 
- Portraying the female figure in the two works has been influenced by mythological motifs and historical and cultural issues. 
- In the some parts of the texts, Ounsi el-Hajj and Shamlu have been influenced by modern social thoughts including western feminism and humanism.


Main Subjects

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