The Image of Quds in the Poetry of Yousof-al-Azam and Mahmood Shahrokhi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Yazd University

2 MA in Arabic Language and Literature


Yousof-al-Azam, the contemporary Jordan poet, and Mahmood Shahrokhi, the contemporary Iranian poet, have regarded Palestine and Quds and composed numerous poems on the issue. Both poets praise Quds and address it with a variety of titles such as the first kiblah, altar, temple, pearl, Kosar and Paradise. They portray with sorrow the occupied Quds, the exile of the Palestinians, murder and loneliness of people in the disaster.
This study, through a descriptive-analytical method and using library resources, tries to examine the poems of Yousof Al-Azam those of Mahmood Shahrokhi in order to indicate the way Quds and its related issues are portrayed by them. The findings suggest that, through reminding the divine status and the spiritual sanctity of Quds, both poets call people to struggle and resistance, and give them hope as to the assistance of Allah the final victory. They utilize words and meanings of the Holy Quran, adding to the beauty and richness of their words and conveying their message.


Main Subjects

- کتاب­ها
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- مقاله­ ها
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