ristocratic element in Ebn Motaz and Onsori's poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Yasouj University

2 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Yasouj University


Literature reflects the social status of any literary and social circumstances of his life. According to the Eastern European School of Comparative Literature, Social factors play an effective role in the creation literature. If two of the same degree of social and economic progress, this would result in the emergence of many similarities in their literature
One of the most elemental aspects of the poem of Onsori, as the famous poem ode (GHASIDE) in the fourth century, and too Abbasid Ibn Moataz is the aristocratic nature and it’s Mentioning the effects and symptoms
Undoubtedly, the conditions of life of both poet in the court and theirs the financial enable have important in the employ of aristocratic ingredients and marks
This article with descriptive - analytical way and comparing poem of Both poets and proceeding to important and seminal typical of the aristocratic nature in the poem of them demonstrate that Aristocratic and royal color imagery that based on court environment is very tangible and intangible. But the shadow of praise on the aristocratic Descriptions of Onsori is dominant But the
Ebn moataz less benefited from the shadow of praise in the Descriptions of real and unreal.


Main Subjects

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