comparaitive contemplation of similarity conceptual metaphor in Khayam’s rubaiyat and Aboomazi’s talasem

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University


Abstract Principal question of This paper is comparative pondering metaphors that illustrate the relation and similarity of thoughts rubaiyat and talasem. Theoretically, the study is based on conceptual metaphor theory that raises metaphors from a rhetorical technique to an instrument for thought and cognizance. At first the paper re-conceptualizes the foregoing theory based on key terms of cognitive linguists. then have presented the metaphors that are the same for rubaiyat and talasem. It also conceptually divides the metaphors into four groups:1)created similar of obliged captive; 2)animal similar of human; 3) world similar of building; 4) world similar of circle. Then it investigates negative metaphors and ambiguous metaphors and analyzes them cognitively. Similarly, it presents the artistic techniques related to metaphors and specifies what the poets’ techniques are in producing these metaphors. The paper ends with this conclusion that outlooks Aboomazi in talasem indicatives intertextuylity and reflexe of Khayam’s philosophical discourses


Main Subjects

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