A research about the effect of Targums (Aramaics Old Testament) on religious literature of Hebrew-Persian

Document Type : Research Paper



The language of emigrant and deportee Hebrew to Iran is changed in two processes: First in a Chaemenian era from Hebrew to Aramaic and then in Islamic era from Aramaic to Persian .Thus , the language of Hebrew̓ s religious literature has also changed parallel to this evolution.
In first evolution, religious texts, especially Torah was translated from Hebrew to Aramaic and in second evolution was translated from Aramaic to Persian. In both evolutions the previous language influenced on next language .In this paper the effect of Aramaic translations of old testament named Targum on the Persian translations of old testament and other religious texts will be studied. We will observe that this effect is restricted to borrowing some words.
Then we deal with this main question whether these Aramaic words have any relation to their Hebrew equivalents. Since the answer is positive, it is founded that the position (station) of Hebrew language is a impressive position for Hebrews. Also in this paper it has studied that in what modules these words are placed. We will observe that most of the words are placed in religious modules, especially jurisprudence and theology. Of course some words have entered religious literature of Persian – Hebrew from public modules.


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