The relationship between mind and language regarding Abdolqaher georgani and Noam Chomsky views

Document Type : Research Paper


Azad university


The relationship between mind and language regarding Abdolqaher georgani and Noam Chomsky views
Chomsky and Georgani emphasize on the necessity of documanents and adaptation of vocabulary on grammatical ryles regarding the definition of language. Based on Chimsky and Georgani is not only grammer but also the rules for language projuction in the mind the speaker, therefore, the expectation of the existence of the relationship between the instinctive properties of mind and language features seen really natural. This relationship regarding Georgani is limited to the product and comprehention of speech in the mind, but Chomsky seeks the identification of the neture of mind as the instinctive tablent and unique
one through the ordering force in language . regarding the gramnatical rules, he doesn t separate the grammar, but in invatigting the comprehehension process and the analysis of sentence , he believes that the grammatical viwies for the speaker and litrer exist.


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