Comparative Study of Additional discrete relation in Arabic and Persian grammar

Document Type : Research Paper



Comparative Study of Additional discrete relation in Arabic and Persian grammar
Leila Jamshidi
zeinab hosseini

The terms of Additionaldiscrete relation means separating the addend(noun governing the genitive) from genitive case and extractinga combination of the form and additional statethence it is called discreet or (detachment) which cut the added and changedaddend and genitive(possessive)from the original state. This process can be performed in Arabic and Persian grammar and have used by both languages.
detachmenthave their own style in both languages and has been performed according to the cause of action.It''s important to note that though the causes and methods in both languages are common in some cases, but none of them are not affected each other''s.
The purpose of the present paper is to achieve the common points and differences between these two languages about detachmentissues which is a descriptive - analytical and inferential article with A Comparative Approach.
Key words: Added, additional discrete, detachment, syntax of Arabic, Persian grammar


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